Biology, asked by maharajah4488, 1 year ago

dhaatu AVN adhatu Mein antar​


Answered by sayyadmohd78


dhaantu means metal and adhatu means non metal.

The properties of metals are they are usually good conductors of electricity. They have lustre and ductile and malleable. Non metals are usually bad conductor of electricity and they do not have lustre, they non ductile and non malleable.

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Answered by lotus187

1.Metals are generally solids.


Non-metals are found in all three states.

2.Metals are heavy.


Non-metals are generally light in weight.

3.They are hard and non brittle.

(Except-sodium,potassium and lead which are soft)

Solid non-metals are hard but brittle.

4.They are good conductors of heat and electricity.(except-lead)

They are bad conductor of heat and electricity.(except-graphite)

5.They are malleable and ductile.

They are neither malleable nor ductile.

6.Their melting point and boilling point are generally high.

Their melting point and boiling point are generally low.

7.They produce ringing sound on collision.

They don't produce ringing sound on collision.

8.They are generally lustrous and can be polished.

They are generally non-lustrous and can't be polished.

Hope this helps you....

Thank you....

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