diagram of carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis
Experiments on Photosynthesis: Co2 is Necessary for Photosynthesis
To prove the necessity of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis following steps need to do
Insert a part of the leaf of a destarched plant into a conical flask containing potassium hydroxide.
Potassium hydroxide solution absorbs the carbon dioxide gas from the air present in the glass bottle.
Leave the plant sunlight.
After few hours, perform a starch test to this and another leaf of the same plant.
Leaf exposed to the atmosphere are bluish black.
Leaf exposed to KOH does not change to blue-black colour
Result- Starch is present in the green part of the leaf.
Conclusion- Presence of starch proves that chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis as it traps sunlight.
Answer: The CO2 is very useful in the process of photosynthesis as pre the below experiment
The experiment name as follows
Mohl's half leaf experiment
Aim : To prove that CO2 is essential for the process of photosynthesis
Apparatus: Big leaf potted plant ,potassium hydroxide(KOH) ,small glass bottle , iodine
Precautions : Do not touch the leaf to the KOH
Procedure :
step1: Take a potted plant and select a broad and big leaf.
step2: Take a glass bottle and put some KOH in it.
step3: Take that leaf attached to plant only put the some part of leaf in the bottle of KOH and leave it in sunlight.
step4: After some time pluck that leaf and test it with iodine.
You can observe that the part of leaf which is in the sunlight changes the colour into blue or black but the part of leaf which is in the KOH docent changes the colour because the KOH in the bottle absorbs the CO2 in the leaf as well as in the bottle that's why the part of leaf which is in the bottle doesn't changes the colour.
Conclusion: By this Mohl's half leaf experient we can know thatCO2 is very useful the plant in the process of photosynthesis.