diagrammatically show the difference between the three of muscle fibers
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
These muscles are attached to the skeleton and help in its movement.
Skeletal are voluntary muscles composed of muscle fibers.
The cells of these tissues are multinucleated.
These are provided with blood vessels and many elongated mitochondria and glycogen granules.
Smooth Muscle Tissue
These are non-striated, involuntary muscles controlled by the Autonomous Nervous System.
It stimulates the contractility of the digestive, urinary, reproductive systems, blood vessels, and airways.
The actin and myosin filaments are very thin and arranged randomly, hence no striations.
The cells are spindle-shaped with a single nucleus.
Cardiac Muscle Tissue
These are involuntary muscles and the heart pumps the blood through cardiac contractions.
They are single-celled and uninucleate.
The ends of the cells are joined, and the junctions are called intercalated discs. The cells are attached to each other by desmosomes.