Dialogue Between a temperance advocate and a young man on the evils of intemperance.
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Dialogue Between a temperance advocate and a young man on the evils of intemperance.
Young intemperance- I feel really relaxed after the drink.
The temperance- Drinking is injurious to health.
Young intemperance- But this helps me to revive my energy when I am tired after a long day.
The temperance- But alcohol has killed many people around the world, it is a slow poison.
Young intemperance- Don’t worry! I am responsible drinker; I know my capacity of drinking.
The temperance- But gradually, you will this urge of drinking will turn you into an alcoholic. I am concerned about your health.
Young intemperance- This is manly habit and just a jolly social custom. There is a lot of people out there drinking. Everyone is not an alcoholic.
The temperance- You should be careful, this can ruin your future.
Young intemperance- Will it? But how will I relax after a long day?
The temperance- There are lot of activities which are good for your health and will revive your energy after a long day.
Young intemperance- I will start practicing those. This is the last drink of my life.
The temperance- I am proud of you! You will be an example for others. You have the ability of changing lives. Sign the pledge!
Young intemperance- Thank you so much!
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