English, asked by AmritJain, 1 year ago

dialogue between alien and a person


Answered by dkrahulverma19otw76i

An Alien flew down to earth , and asked the first person it met :

Alien : You have so much land , water and light . Why are so many of you starving ?

Human : There's no money.

Alien : Why do you have so many homeless people ?

Human : There's not enough money !

Alien : Why are you polluting your planet ?

Human : There's not enough money to change that.

Alien : Why are there so many sick people who could be cured ?

Human : There's not much money !

Alien : What is this scarce resource that you don't have enough of ? Where do you obtain it ? Maybe we can bring it to you from other planets ?

Human : No need , we print it ourselves.

*The Alien crossed of off earthlings from its list of rational beings.*

Here is an important story with a message , we have everything we need on our planet , so why are we making it difficult to live on Earth ?

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