Dialogue between two friends discussing about favourite singer
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The term "dialogue" refers to a discourse between two or more persons. It is a spoken dialogue between two or more conversations in fiction.
The term "dialogue" refers to a discourse between two or more persons. It is a spoken dialogue between two or more conversations in fiction.
Shanaya: Hello! (During the ceremony)
Rahul: Shanaya, hello...!!
Shanaya: It's great to see you again. If you'd been invited to this multi-colored celebration as well.
Rahul: Yes, my mum had only received the invitation a few days prior.
Shanaya: That's wonderful. Let's everyone have a good time during the ceremony. It appears to be extremely intriguing.
Rahul: So, tell me what kind of music you enjoy listening to.
Shanaya: My favourite types of music are pop and rap. You tell me who the songwriter of the songs is supposed to be.
Rahul: He is a lyricist, according to reports. Are you a fan of singing?
Shanaya: I don't like singing, but I enjoy listening to current pop music songs.
Rahul: Could you tell me what kinds of music you like?
Shanaya: I'm talking about the many types of music. I'm only familiar with six different styles of music.
Rabail: Can you tell me what these are?
Classical, Neo-classical, Rap, Pop, Soft, and Rock songs performed by Areeba