English, asked by amusridhar8370, 2 months ago

Dialogue between two friends of mother importance


Answered by Isha20076


Please mark me brainiest


1. Hello


1. You know today is mothers day.

2. No, I don't know, and who remember these

nonsense days.

1. It is the day of your mother and you said that

it is a nonsense day.

2. I don't care.

1. OK, tell me in your birthday what your

mother do for you?

2. She make cake, desert and many tasty

things and also invite my friends to celebrate

my birthday.

1. What she give to you on her last birthday?

2. A new mobile with branded cover or a hand

set also.

1. What you give your mother on her birthday?

2. Nothing.

1. She never wanted from you anything and

give you everything.

2. I am sorry, my friend but now I realize I do

very wrong so today I celebrate my whole

day with my mother. Thank you.

1. Ur welcome, enjoy your day, bye

2. Bye..

Hope you like it

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