Dialogue between two friends on eve of their summer vacation
Lee: Hey Bruno!
Bruno : hey Lee, what's up?
Lee : I am good. What's about summer vacation? When it will start?
Bruno :well, it would start from 1 August, only 3 days left.
Lee : oh thnk you. What are your plans for vacation?
Bruno : actually I have not much plans for the summer vacation. I am thinking of going to Goa with my family. After that I will join a summer camp for 10 days. And what about you?
Lee : oh that is great. You will have fun in Goa. I am thinking of joining a workshop on art and craft. It is for 20 days so I will not be able to go on a trip as like you.
Bruno : oh that is not to be upset. It is very good that you are joining a workshop.
Lee : thnk you Lee. Hope you will enjoy your trip to Goa. See you after the vacation. Bye
Bruno : Thnk you Bruno, enjoy your workshop. Bye bye.