Dialogue between two friends regarding Corona virus in english advantage and disadvantage Wikipedia
Tips regarding 'Writing Dialogue' :-
- Remember to write the exact statement related the topic.
- Use good words.
- Make your handwriting clean and good.
- Use impressive words.
: A student of class VIII - will talk about the advantages
: Best friend of Sidhartha. - will talk about the disadvantages
Conversation between them:-
: Hello mate! How are you?
: Fine. What's about you?
: Me to mate. Have you heard about the advantages of COVOD-19? There are many advantages of COVOD-19!!
: I don't think so. My father always speaks about its disadvantages.
: No, I know that it is harmful, but this also helps us in different way which is beyond our imagination!!
: Really?... Please tell more!
: Okay.
It helps us in the following ways:-
- Earth's rate of population is increasing day by day. It helps to reduce the population rate of Earth.
- Humans have forgotten about the life of Animals! In Puri region, turtles have given their eggs at the sea side. Deers are enjoying the beach! This helps the animals.
- This makes the country's people more attentive about maintaining hygiene. Most of the families don't maintain hygiene. Due to fear of it, many families have started maintaining hygiene.
- This also helps us in keeping our surroundings clean due to lockdown in many areas.
- There are many other advantages too!
: You're right! But do you want to listen it's disadvantages?
: Yes! I have a keen interest in knowing this!
Disadvantages of Corona Virus:-
- Many people have loosen their life and many families have loosen their member(s).
- Severity, Infectivity and Fatality is increasing creating a thinking that "Humanity is close to become Endangered".
- Condions of countrys' economy is decreasing.
- Farmers have started to suicide.
- Food stock is destroying.
: I see. This has also a great advantage and disadvantage too. { :( }
: You're right! Don't forget to listen Prime Minister Modi ji's Speech. Take care of yourself and your family. Don't go out, wash hands frequently. { :) }
: Same to you. Bye! Don't forget to tell the advantages of COVID-19 to your father.
: Bye! I won't forget it! Avoid rumors.