English, asked by tanvivare126, 8 months ago

dialogue writing between two friends about importance of English


Answered by varshu727


Sujon : Why are almost all of us after English?

Sultan : I don't think, it is so.


Sujon : As a whole, it is perhaps so.


Sultan : In this sense you are right.


Sujon  : Do you think, English is very much required in the current age?


Sultan : Yes, it is because it is the most common source of communication.


Sujon  : Not only the source rather most of information is in English.


Sultan : Stuff is also available in other languages.


Sujon  : That's true, but most of us have absolutely no sense of these languages.


Sultan : Perhaps it is one of the factors that English is so common.


Sujon  : What about you? Are you good at English.


Sultan : Not that good, but I have some sense.


Sujon  : But I am very poor.


Sultan : If you are willing, I can guide you a bit.


Sujon  : Actually, I want to have full hold on it.


Sultan : No one can have full hold.


Sujon  : Though I have some sense yet I am very hesitant.


Sultan : Obviously our atmosphere is such that we don't find that much chance for English.


Sujon  : This is what the problem is but what to do?


Sultan : You join some English language institute.


Sujon  : I am thinking on the sane line.


Sultan : It's is no use going on thinking, better join some.


Sujon  : There are two problems one is that of time and the other is that of fee.


Sultan : Everyone has to fact these two problems. Plan somehow and take start.


Sujon : It might take some time but I will. Do at the earliest.


Answered by nothing1756


xyz and abc are two friends

xyz: Hey dude I am fried due to my parents?

abc: why? explain clearly.

xyz: dude my parents are always asking me to learn english when I am free and also to learn how to talk in english fluently and they are forcing me to talk in english only.

abc: then what is wrong in it

xyz:dude you are asking what is wrong the wrong is that that if I speak english then I might forget my mother tongue.

abc: dude english is just a subject and a language to learn and it is easy also your parents are forcing you to speak in english only because speaking in english can improve your language skills and would help you in your future now the common language used all over the world is english only so learn english only for your betterment.

xyz: so can you explain how to speak and learn english

abc: yes obviously ! dude thats so simple start speaking in english and also accept your mistakes in english also don't feel shy while speaking.

xyz: Thank you for the support.

abc: Its my pleasure to help you and also if you want any help please ask me without hesitating and also remember to use dictonary for your help and learn daily 5 new words.


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