Diart entry on road trip to Ladakh within 250 words
The huge and merciless brown mountains, large lumps of snow carelessly dumped on their tops, the blazing sun and pregnant clouds playing hide and seek, Indus and Shyok rivers merrily wading through the barren territory, creating oases and civilizations of their own,
serpentine and lofty roads, as if suspended from heaven, endless and awe-inspiring panoramas, stunning kaleidoscopic lakes, strange grasslands and seductive sand dunes. Countless constellations that adorn the night and a clear sky that could define the colour blue – Where does one even begin to describe the miracle on earth called Ladakh!
Although it was a second trip to the ‘Moonland’ yet the feeling before and after the trip was that of heightened intrigue and mystery – Yes, the more one tries to know Ladakh the more one gets mired in questions, the attempt to unravel is futile. Our group chose the simpler path – And submitted ourselves to these magnificent highlands of Ladakh, no questions asked!