Diary entry about your village and other feelings about village life
Required Dairy :-
13th June Thursday
Dear Diary,
We are back home after a long vacation visiting the ancestral village after 8 years was quite an experience. Our relative didn't recognise me as we were toddlers when we visited last.
The first night was quite a challenge as we had to sleep on the terrace of the house. The sound of the cricket and haunting of the owls kept up away for quite long. We were awakened by the roosters crowing early in the morning. It was strange for us that life began early in the village unlike in the cities. I saw my uncle milking the cow handmade tested much better than the packet milk we were used to. Breakfast was a treat of hot parathas with a huge blob of butter. My cousins took us to the field where we plucked fresh vegetables which were to be cooked for lunch. By 7:00 p.m., we were ravenous for food. During our entire stay, we never missed out on the fast food that we would die for.
Every day in the village was a learning; we felt so close to nature. Life was simple, unlike the city life. We promised our cousins that we would be in the village during our next vacations.
Good night ☺️