diary entry Dairy entry about the lonely child and the puppy
diary entry diary entry about the lonely child
Diary entry.
13 July, 2019.
Dear Diary,
Today, while I was out shopping with a bunch of friends, we saw a small boy playing with a puppy that does not seem to have any family members. Even the boy was alone, with no one nearby to be his parents or family. They seem so happy and content with one another's company that they seem like they don't have any care for the others. they were in their own world. The child was laughing hysterically and even the puppy was intelligent to know how to make the child laugh and play with him, without hurting him.
They made me think of many things. There they were, in one corner of the market, in their own happy bubble while the people were busy trying to buy new things, spending money. The boy appeared dirty and obviously poor, dressed in rags but he seem to not mind it. The stark difference in the boy's happiness with the dog and the happiness of the shoppers in getting now things was a sight that will make anyone ponder on things more deeply. This sight also left me question and rethink my approach to life.
Hope that boy and his puppy will always have a friend in each other and find happiness.
Love, ........
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