Diary entry on 3c's choices, challenges and consequences.
Answered by
January 14, 2019
10:30 p.m.
Dear Diary:
This evening I am going to share with you a great secret of life. It is about 3 c’s. I have learnt the interrelationship among CHOICES, CHALLENGES, and CONSEQUENCES. I have learnt if you know how to make right choices, it will be followed by challenges; and if you take up the challenge of sticking to your right choices, then the consequences will always be favorable. For example, recently I chose I would study every day at fixed hours. I would not allow any distraction to distract me. I did it for 3 months. My studies improved greatly, and as a consequence, my results were excellent. Now, I am going to apply this formula in all areas of my life. That’s all. Good night now.
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