Diary entry on a street dog or child labour
Interestingly and much to my fancy, today master got busy elsewhere leaving the gate wide open. In these ten years, he has never done that. He was always extremely cautious about me running out. I cannot speak the language he speaks but he really needs to trust me that this house is as much home to me as it is to him. No matter where I went, I would come back. Which dog wants to be deprived of the comfort!
It took me quite some time to decide if I wanted to stay in like master would want me to, or do I take this chance, probably the first and the last chance ever, at experiencing for myself, how it feels like to be free on the roads like the other dogs on the streets. I got up and looked around; master was nowhere to be seen. I knew this was the time. I began walking towards the gate and when I heard no one around, I ran towards the road. I don’t even remember how far I ran at the first go, but it felt nice to feel my muscles getting worked up and the breeze felt refreshing on my face and tongue. I stopped finally, I reckoned I wasn’t far from home, the scents around were familiar. Everybody stared at me as they passed by. I find people really interesting, they are each so different and move about differently. All of master’s friends adore me. There is this one particular friend of master’s who pulls at my face a lot. I find it funny but nonetheless, I like it.
I started running again and I stopped when I found this bunch of little humans playing with a ball. I had this sudden urge of plunging at the ball, but I sat back down because those little humans were just randomly running all over the place and screaming. My master was always extra careful when these little humans were around me, probably they are harmful! So I just sat back and looked from a distance. After sometime all the little humans dispersed and only one stayed back alone in the middle of the road with the ball. I felt maybe I could go play with it now. As I reached the boy, he was startled and tripped over a stone and fell and he was suddenly screaming. I didn’t know what was happening. In a moment’s time, the other little humans had returned and were throwing stones at me. I turned around and barked at them. Why would they do that? After a while there were grown up humans charging towards me with huge sticks. I was terrified. Few stones hit me and I yelped with pain. I turned around and made a run for my life. What kind of creatures were they? What were they doing in this world which is otherwise so beautiful? What did I do to them to infuriate them such?
Maybe I’ll never know! Maybe this is why master is so protective of me! In spite of all the sharp teeth and claws, it’s them who are more dangerous! None of the humans that visit master are of this kind.Well, after today, one thing I’m sure about is that, I’m never doing what master doesn’t want me to. I’ve had enough of an adventure for a lifetime, nearly got myself killed and disappointed master. I hope he forgives me!”