DIARY entry on cousin visit to my home
24th Dec, 2018
Dear Diary
Today my best friend, my aunt's son came to my house. It was an surprise visit.I was reading a book in the afternoon, suddenly the door bell rang. As soon as i opened the door, it was him with my aunt. I could not stop smiling. It has been 5 years for i saw him. After tea and snacks, we went to my room where we shared old memories of how we used to sneak after everybody's sleeping in the afternoon and sit on the terrace and enjoy cookies while talking about future and making plans with such innocence. We used to fight a lot also but then at the end of the day we were always friends. Then he moved to Australia with his family due to his father's transfer. It was very heart rending for me. But with time the feeling suppressed. We stayed in touch through Skype, emails and telephone calls. But today when we met, we realized that distance means nothing if you plan to stay connected and you genuinely love the other person. Now onwards we have decide to visit each other in six months. Relishing the sweet chocolates that he brought , we again made plans for future like two innocent children.
Love & Light
Diary entry on topic I see cousn house