English, asked by bhudev1868, 1 year ago

Diary entry on five

day of your vacations


Answered by isha321
June 17

4:00 AM: The airport shuttle arrives right on time. � Everybody is in a great mood. � We quickly load the van up with our luggage and then we’re on our way!

5:16 AM: We get our bags checked and make it through airport security unscathed. � As �we �pass a �couple of shops on the way to �our gate, I feel a gentle tap on my arm. � It’s Nina. � “Dad, can I get a souvenir now?”

11:01 PM: My first night in New England and the Los Angeles Lakers are hosting the Boston Celtics in Game 7 of the NBA Finals. � I’m watching the game at sister-in-law Christina’s house, surrounded by rabid Celtic fans. � For the past three quarters the Lakers have been getting pounded by the hated Celtics. � Meanwhile my son and I continue to get an earful from the others. � � Going into the final quarter, the Lakers are down by 12. � God, this sucks. � The thought of having to endure a Laker loss surrounded by all these Celtic fans – on their home turf, no less – is any Laker fan’s worst nightmare. � Why couldn’t I have scheduled the first day of our vacation a day later?

11:58 PM: Like I said, I sure am glad I had the wisdom and foresight to schedule our vacation when I did. � The Lakers just finished off a remarkable comeback and won the game – and their 16th NBA championship – 83-79. � Sweet. � I’d like to talk a little trash with all the folks dressed in green that had been dishing out the Laker insults more than a half hour ago, but they all left.

June 18

11:21 AM: We take a tour of �Yale University’s �Peabody Museum of Natural History. � � The museum, in New Haven, Connnecticut, �was founded in 1866 and houses an impressive collection of dinosaurs and other fossils, �along with �a host of other interesting objects including meteorites, insects, mummies, and other stuff from the world of science.

1:48 PM: Afterward we head �down the street �to a world famous local landmark known as �Louis’ Lunch, �which was established in 1895 and claims to be the birthplace of the hamburger. � The place is quaint – not �much bigger than a walk-in closet – �and as you walk through the door you can’t help but feel like you have taken a time machine back to the late 19th Century.

1:56 PM: We watch the great grandson of the original owner, Jeff, �make �our burgers by hand right in front of us. � � It is served with grilled onion, tomato and a cheesy spread, then topped off using toast for the bun.

2:13 PM: “Ah, that was a GOOD

June 19

9:04 AM: I hop in the car with Christina. � We’re off to the local Dunkin Donuts for a cup of coffee before we head off for a family get-together at a campground in East Hamden. � � If you ask me, Starbucks coffee doesn’t come close to Dunkin Donuts’ brew. � As their slogan goes, “America runs on Dunkin Donuts.” � Maybe most of America but, unfortunately, you can’t find them in Southern California.

9:09 AM: “Come on, you’re next! � What’ll you have, Hon?” says the middle-aged lady behind the counter. � “Who, me?” I reply, not sure whether or not she was talking to me because I was too focused on the donuts in the display, trying to decide whether I really wanted chocolate sprinkles or not. � When I look up the only answer I get from the impatient clerk is a head cocked to the side – along with a big nasty scowl. � Jeez, is this any way to treat a customer?

9:14 AM: Back in the car, I tell Christina, “I don’t think the coffee lady liked me.” � Christina looks at me and says, “What makes you say that, she seemed fine to me.” � Then it hit me. � I’ve got to be more thick-skinned. � After all, I’m not in California anymore – this is the Northeast. � � Everything here is served with a big heaping bowl of attitude. � But what about that scowl, you ask? � Well, duh! � That’s how most people smile here. � By the way, just for the record, “coffee” is a three-syllable word in this part of New England. � (Coo-aw-fee.)

June 20

7:20 PM: You haven’t tasted a real pizza unless you’ve had one in the Northeast and, tonight, I’m in heaven. � I’ve just finished stuffing myself on an amazing Italian sausage and mushroom pizza from a local pizza joint in West Haven called Zuppardi’s. � Because the pizza in California absolutely sucks, I make sure that every time we come out to visit my Connecticut in-laws, pizza is on our dinner menu at least once. � � � Yes, Southern California is home to the best hamburger joints in the world – In-N-Out isn’t the only place that serves terrific hamburgers here – but when it comes to pizza, fuggedaboutit.

June 21

10:20 AM: With Tony as the navigator, we leave West Haven, Connecticut, in the mini-van I rented for a five-day stay in Washington D.C. � If you missed the story of how I used a savvy move to save over $300 in car rental fees, be sure to check it
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