Diary entry on have any of your classmate/schoolmates han an expirience like the one described in the story where they needed help? Described how they were helped.D
Griffin was
the lead character in the novel. He was an albino. Though he had many great
qualities, yet he had many flaws in his character. Griffin was a man who had no
conscience, was callous towards other people and simply self-centered. He
appeared to be at war with the entire mankind. All his actions stemmed from his
desire to save himself, with not a thought of care and sympathy for others. He
did many mean acts in the novel. When he was short of money he continued his
experiments, without any thoughts of the consequences, he robed his own father,
who committed suicide because the money was not his. He attended his father’s
funeral without feeling sorry for his own act; instead he blamed his father for
being a sentimental fool. He experimented on a cat, with no concern for the
poor creature’s cries of pain. He threw it out and never tried to find whether
it was alive or dead. He burnt down the house at Great Portland Street when the
landlord and his sons found about his experiments and were horrified. He was
only worried about covering his trail.