diary entry on i selected from school by unesco for a foreign trip
Which of the following is not a traditional irrigation method?
(1 Point)
( a)Moat
( b) Chain pump
( c)Lever system
(d)Drip system
Weeds are controlled by chemicals called _________.
(1 Point)
( a)Pesticides
Arrange the following agricultural practices in the order in which they are followed.
1. Harvesting
2. Sowing
3. Storage
4. Irrigation
5. Preparation of soil
(1 Point)
( a) 1→2→3→4→5
( b) 5→2→4→1→3
( c) 2→1→3→5→4
(d) 5→3→4→1→2
Identify the agricultural method in which different crops are grown on a piece of land season after season.
(1 Point)
( a) Irrigation
( b) Monoculture
( c) Crop rotation
(d) Shifting cultivation
Rhizobium bacteria in the root nodules of leguminous plants help in fixing:
(1 Point)
( a) Sulphur
( b) Oxygen
( c) Nitrogen
( d) Hydrogen
Wheat and gram belong to
(1 Point)
(a) Rabi crops
(b) Kharif crops
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these
The process of separating grains from chaff is known as:
(1 Point)
( a) Threshing
( b) Harvesting
( c) Tilling
( d ) Transplantation
The disease caused by protozoa is
(1 Point)
(a) tuberculosis
(b) polio
(c) typhoid
(d) malaria
Which bacteria helps in settling of curd?
(1 Point)
(a) Rhizobium
(b) Lactobacillus
(c) Vibriocholarae
(d) Bacillus
What helps in the rise of bread or dosa dough?
(1 Point)
(a) Heat
(b) Grinding
(c) Growth of yeast cells
(d) Low pressure
Vaccine for small pox is discovered by
(1 Point)
(a) Louis Pasteur
( b) Alexander Fleming
( c) Edward Jenner
( d) John Mendal
Amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere is
(1 Point)
(a) 58%
( b) 68%
( c) 78%
( d) 88%
In order to take precautionary steps to control DENGUE , we must take measures to stop the breeding of:
(1 Point)
( a) Aedes mosquito
(b) Fleas
( c) Fire ants
( d) Anopheles mosquito
Which of the following is a communicable disease?
(1 Point)
( a) Diabetes
( b) Chicken pox
( c) Alzheimer’s
( d) Cancer
The metal which is liquid at room temperature is
(1 Point)
(a) sodium
(b) bromine
(c) calcium
(d) mercury
Name the gas evolved when magnesium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid
(1 Point)
(a) Chlorine
(b) Oxygen
(c) hydrogen
(d) Nitrogen
Materials having qualities of both metals and non-metals are
(1 Point)
(a) Elements
(b) metalloids
(c) noble metals
(d) none of these
A reaction in which a more reactive metal replaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution is called a________ reaction.
(1 Point)
(A.) combination
(B. ) displacement
(C). double displacement
(D.) addition
When sulphur reacts with oxygen, the oxide formed is ___ in nature.
(1 Point)
(A.) alkaline
(B.) neutral
(C.) basic
( D.) acidic
The property by which metals can be beaten into sheets is known as ___
(1 Point)
( A.) ductility
( B.) sonority
( C.) lusture
(D.) malleability
This event is designed to provide an opportunity for children worldwide to understand Asian people’s daily lives through illustrated diaries. Children from 24 different countries and region in Asia will draw their illustrated diaries under the theme of “Here is my Life”. You are invited to participate in this event to let friends in Asia know about your life and culture thorough your five-page illustrated diaries.