diary entry on when I came first in class in hindi
it was result declaration day for class 9th and class 11th only because in my school- RISHIKESH PUBLIC SCHOOL, the exams of these two classes are scheduled early so that classes for 10th and 12th can be started early.
i was in 11th standard. when i went to school with my father then i came across many faces-sad,happy,excited,dull faces. i was n't sure about my position in class;then suddenly my best friend told me that i got first position in my class.....now that was something unprecedented for me.....topper....
i khushboo savita,first position....unbelievable. then i along with my father went straight to my class teacher- mrs. Ila Gairola. she congratulated me and my father for the same. papa was also very happy. reason behind my happiness was not only the position i got but also that my best friend was happier than me for my achievement. even her mother congratulated and loved me.
it felt so nice that when the parents of my friends were present there ,then i saw the satisfaction on my father's face. before few years, i don't remember the exact time as such but what i remember is his words," taste how it feels to be on top,be a topper,experience how it feels when you get first position ".
i tasted that feeling.....its taste is seriously GREAT...it feels like OUT OF THE WORLD....centre of attraction,love,jokes,treats and everything. although i didn't celebrate it to that extent.
it makes me feel good that at least i have got first position and and experienced it. my elder brother was a scholar in his school...always got first position,but at times he too experienced reverse of it. now i also count on his league, not at par with him but yes somewhere as "position holder for once"....
that was the awesome moment(as i remember )which was completely new for me....
कक्षा में प्रथम आने पर डायरी-लेखन |
31 मार्च २०१९,
रात्रि 9 बजे,
प्रिय डायरी
आज विद्यालय में हमारी परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित हुआ। सभी विद्यार्थी अपना-अपना परीक्षा परिणाम जानने के लिए बहुत ही उतावले हो रहे थे। मैं इस समय बहुत ज्यादा तनाव में थी क्योंकि मैंने इस बार कक्षा में प्रथम स्थान हासिल करने के लिए अपना दिन रात एक कर दिया था। हमारी अध्यापिका जी ने कक्षा में सभी विद्यार्थियों को उनका परीक्षा परिणाम बता दिया लेकिन जब मेरी बारी आई तो उन्होंने मुझे रोक दिया कि तुम कुछ देर ठहरो। जब सभी छात्र आपस में विचार विमर्श कर रहे थे तब मेरे दिल की धड़कन और तेजी से बढ़ रही थी कि ना जाने परीक्षा में मेरा परिणाम कैसा आया है।
यही सोचते सोचते अध्यापिका जी ने एकदम से मेरा नाम पुकारा तो मैं सहम सी गई। मैं कुछ सुनना पाई और बाकी लोग मेरे लिए तालियां बजाने लगे। अध्यापिका जी ने मुझे दोबारा पुकारा और कहा तुम कक्षा में प्रथम आई हो। यह सुन मेरी खुशी का ठिकाना ना रहा और मैं रोने लगी।
इस पर अध्यापिका जी ने मुझे गले से लगाया और मुझे बहुत बधाई दी। जब मैं घर आ गई तो माताजी को खुशखबरी पता चलने पर उन्होंने भी मुझे गले से लगाया और मेरी बहुत तारीफ की। मैं बहुत खुश हो गई और अब मैंने पढ़ ले लिया है कि मैं हर वर्ष कक्षा में प्रथम स्थान ही हासिल करूंगी।
शुभ रात्रि।
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डायरी लेखन