Diary entry the day you received a wonderful gift
Friday, 27.07.2019
Dear Diary,
Today I celebrated my birthday with my family and friends. I had a big party. I received many gifts, but above all, I loved the wonderful science experiments kit. Inside it there was a thick book in which there were many exciting experiments to try. And all the materials were also provided. This was the best birthday ever.
Diary entry the day you received a wonderful gift
Friday 4th,
October 10p.m
Dear Diary,
Guess what! You won’t believe what I got today. Aunt Divya came to visit us. Since she could not come on my birth day she brought my present today. She handed me a very sweet looking basket with a cane lid and asked me to take off the lid gently. I was expecting cakes and cookies as she is such an expert in baking but lo and presto! From the basket sprang out the cutest puppy of the world.
It was a German Shepherd, an off-spring of Aunty’s jumbo dog. It licked me top to bottom and nestled in my lap. I am overjoyed at receiving such a wonderful gift.
Will write to you later. Let me play with it and find a good name for it.