Business Studies, asked by naishapatel7, 4 months ago

dicuss describe human values which are required for better industrial growth​




ans) Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decision every day....

Answered by Arhan4


Human values: Values are beliefs that have an inherent worth in usefulness or importance to the holder,” or “principles, standards, or qualities reflected worthwhile or desirable.” Values institute an important characteristic of self-concept and serve as supervisory principles for person. In literature, it is documented that values are so indissolubly woven into human language, thought and behaviour patterns that they have fascinated philosophers for millennia. Yet they have proved so “quick-silvery” and complex that, despite their decisive role in human motivation, we remain desperately ignorant of the laws that govern them. (Toffler, 1969). Scott and Kluckhohn described value as a conception: explicit or implicit of desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means and end of action (1951).

Rokeach impacted with this idea and stated that value is abstract ideals, positive or negative, not tied to any specific object, or situation, representing a person’s belief about modes of conduct and ideal terminal goal. It can be represented that values are global beliefs that transcendentally guide actions and judgements across specific objects and situation (Rokeach, 1968). According to Rokeach, Rokeach (1969), value are type of belief that is “centrally located within one’s total belief system, about how one ought or ought not to behave” (p. 124). On the contrary, Feather (1975) criticizes Rokeach on equating values. He claimed that values are not “neutral”; they are held with a slight degree of feeling. Feather (1975) continued to criticize Rokeach by arguing that values may be classified as prescriptive or proscriptive beliefs rather than as a descriptive or evaluative belief.

Human values are necessity in today’s society and business world. Human values are the features that guide people to take into account the human element when one interacts with other human. They have many positive characters that create bonds of humanity between people and thus have value for all human beings. They are strong positive feelings for the human essence of the other. These human values have the effect of bonding, comforting, reassuring and procuring serenity. Human values are the basis for any practical life within society. They build space for a drive, a movement towards one another, which leads to peace. In simple term, human values are described as universal and are shared by all human beings, whatever their religion, their nationality, their culture, and their personal history. By nature, they persuade consideration for others.

Common human values are as under:

Brotherhood, friendship, empathy, compassion, and love.

Openness, listening, welcoming, acceptance, recognition, and appreciation.

Honesty, fairness, loyalty, sharing, and solidarity.

Civility, respect, and consideration.

The function of these basic values enable every human to realize or maintain highest or human value for establishing relations of peace and yet it remains indefinable. Its understanding varies according to age (child, teen, adult), to one’s education and surrounding culture. It is better assumed when combined with other values: a disposition that is deeper than graciousness, very close to consideration, and approaching appreciation. Truly, to respect someone, one must be able to appreciate some of his/her human qualities, even if one does not appreciate his/her opinions or past behaviour.

Several universal human values such as Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non- violence are directly associated to physical, intellectual, emotional psyche and spiritual facets of human personality. There is need and urgency to reinforce these values for a better and humane society. These are described below:

Co-operation: It is the procedure to work jointly to attain some goal, but many scholars visualize co-operation as a luxury and not an important human value. It is unquestionably one of the most vital assets one can have when working through a problem. Having the opinions and voice of another person will not only draw out a discussion of the topic, but also lead person to good solution. Co-operation has been under-appreciated for years in its importance and should be held in high regard. Caring: This human value is viewed as exhibiting kindness and concern for others, the true importance of this value comes from the work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves. Caring for others both physically and spiritually is an extremely important value to have; people will always rely on someone else for help at one point or another, but we often fail to realize how much of a difference caring for another person can make.

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