Did Beinkensopp really have four grandmother, explain ?
Find other words with which you can replace the underlined words in thefollowing lines.1.Not my fault, sir2.She’s seriously dead alright sir.3.I know, it’s very upsetting sir4.I’d been looking forward to it, sir.5.Bad hand sir.5.Think of some humourous excuses that you may give in the followingsituations. Here is an example.SituationYour mother wants you to go with her to the market but you want to go out and playwith your friends, what excuse will you give her?ExcuseI would love to come to the market with my mother but I have decided to save money.Now, write some excuses for the given situations1.Your younger brother is very troublesome, he does not let you talk to your friends.But your mother asked you to look after him. What will you tell her?2.All the boys have to clean the courtyard after the festival of Holi, because they haveplayed with water, mud and colour in the courtyard. Your mother asks you to cleanup the mess. What excuse will you give her?3.You have a maths test tomorrow and mother wants you to study. But there is nicemovie on the TV and you do not want to switch it off. What will you tell her?