did you find any example of human interaction in this ecosystemwhat is the relation with ecosystem of figure shown in below make a list of other animal in Phylum Annelida
Characteristics of Phylum Annelida
They have a long and segmented body.
Annelids are bilaterally symmetrical.
They are triploblastic.
Also, they exhibit organ system grade of organisation, showing organ differentiation.
The body is covered with a thin cuticle.
They are coelomate. A body cavity or coelom is present.
Annelids live in moist environments, moist soil, freshwater and marine water.
They have parapodia and chitinous setae, used for locomotion.
Their body appears red due to the presence of haemoglobin.
Excretory and nervous systems are present.
The digestive system is complete and developed.
Respiration happens through the general body surface.
These invertebrates have a true closed circulatory system.
Sexes may be separate or united, wherein they are called hermaphrodites.
Fertilization can be internal or external.
Examples of Annelids