World Languages, asked by lachimolala1995chimm, 8 days ago

die Suppe nehmen (bilde Imperativ for du )​


Answered by aadianshuman1234


pls mark me as brainliest and


What is the imperative?

An imperative is a form of the verb used when giving orders and instructions, for example, Shut the door!; Sit down!; Don’t go!

1 Using the imperativeIn German, there are three main forms of the imperative that are used to give instructions or orders to someone. These correspond to the three different ways of saying you: du, ihr and Sie. However, it is only in the Sie form of the imperative that the pronoun usually appears – in the du and ihr forms, the pronoun is generally dropped, leaving only the verb.Hör zu!Listen!Hören Sie zu!Listen!

2 Forming the present tense imperativeMost weak, strong and mixed verbs form the present tense imperative in the following way:PronounForm of ImperativeVerb ExampleMeaningdu (singular)verb stem (+ e)hol(e)!fetch!ihr (plural)verb stem + tholt!fetch!Sie (polite singular and plural)verb stem + en + Sieholen Sie!fetch!Note that the -e of the du form is often dropped, but NOT where the verb stem ends, for example, in chn-, fn-, or tm-. In such cases, the -e is kept to make the imperative easier to pronounce.Hör zu!Listen!Hol es!Fetch it!BUT:Öffne die Tür!Open the door!Atme richtig durch!Take a deep breath!Rechne nochmal nach!Do your sums again!

Grammar Extra!Weak verbs ending in -eln or -ern also retain this -e, but the other -e in the stem itself is often dropped in spoken German.VerbMeaningImperativeMeaningwandernto walkwand(e)re!walk!handelnto acthand(e)le!act!

Any vowel change in the present tense of a strong verb also occurs in the du form of its imperative and the -e mentioned above is generally not added. However, if this vowel change in the present tense involves adding an umlaut, this umlaut is NOT added to the du form of the imperative.VerbMeaning2nd Person SingularMeaning2nd Person Singular ImperativeMeaningnehmento takedu nimmstyou takenimm!take!helfento helpdu hilfstyou helphilf!help!laufento rundu läufstyou runlauf(e)!run!stoßento pushdu stößtyou pushstoß(e)!push!

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