Biology, asked by uday1623, 1 year ago

differce between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells any 6-7 differces​


Answered by sneha1624

prokaryotic cell

  1. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm)
  2. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm) nuclear is absent
  3. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm) nuclear is absentit contain single chromosomes
  4. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm) nuclear is absentit contain single chromosomesorganelles bounded by membrane in our absent
  5. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm) nuclear is absentit contain single chromosomesorganelles bounded by membrane in our absentcell division is occurs by the process of Mitosis
  6. prokaryotic cells the size of the cell is generally small(1-10Hm) nuclear is absentit contain single chromosomesorganelles bounded by membrane in our absentcell division is occurs by the process of Mitosis examples of prokaryotic cells are Bacteria and blue green algae

Eukaryotic cell

  1. the size of the cell is generally large (5-100Hm)
  2. nucleus is present
  3. it contain more than 1 chromosomes
  4. organelles are present example mitochondria ,plastids and lysosomes.
  5. cell division is occurred by both processes Mitosis or Mitosis.
  6. the examples of Eukaryotic cells are plants and animals...


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Answered by gavvybrar1
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