difference b/w finite and non-finite verbs
difference b/w finite and non-finite vverbs:
- Finite verb forms show tense, person and number (I go, she goes, we went, etc.)
- Non-finite verb forms do not show tense, person or number. ... Typically they are infinitive forms with and without to (e.g. to go, go), -ing forms and -ed forms (e.g. going, gone)
Finite verbs are those which changes as per tense, person or number.
eg. for tense:
I play cricket. - present
I played cricket-past
Here play or played is a finite verb.
as play changes into played as per tense.
eg. for person
she exercises daily.
They exercise daily.
Here exercise or exercises are finite verbs.
as exercise changes into exercises because of person.
eg. for Number
My dress is black.
My dresses are in different colours.
Here is or are is a finite verb.
as change as per the Number.
And Non-finite verbs are just the opposite of finite verbs.
They don't change their respective form as per the Person, number or tense...
Eg. He knows how to swim.
They know how to swim ...
So here as you know ( knows or know ) is a finite verb whereas
swim is a Non-finite verb ...
*Generally finite verbs are followed by the subject
*Non-finite verbs are generally followed by too but it's not necessary ...for eg.
I bid you do it.
He watched the movie.
I must do it.
So here Non-finite verbs are not followed by ‘to’ but still they are Non-finite verbs.
Bid, Watched, must are non-finite verbs.
I hope now it's clear.