difference between 3 body types with diagram
1. Ectomorph Body Type
Typical Characteristics:
Long and lean
Delicate frame
“Hardgainer” – Finds it difficult to build muscle and fat
Body similar to a marathon runner
Fast metabolism
If you have the ectomorph body type, then you will find that it is difficult for you to gain muscle as well as fat. To help with this, try focusing on compound movements as opposed to isolated movements. This is because you will use more muscle groups in the one exercise.
For example, the bench press works out muscles in your chest, shoulders and triceps using your shoulders and elbow. In contrast, the bicep curl is an isolated movement that only uses the bicep.
While you shouldn’t completely shun isolation movements from your training, your main focus should be on the big compound exercises. Then use isolation movements as accessories or to finish a workout.
Those with the ectomorph body type are able to get away with eating more carbs than endomorphs and mesomorphs. However, this doesn’t mean that you can eat whatever you want and not have it affect your body.
That being said, it is best to stick to complex carbs that can leave you feeling fuller for longer. It will also help to push protein to your muscles to help them to grow. This includes brown rice and brown bread.
As ectomorphs can find it quite challenging to pack on size, it may be beneficial to use additional supplements in conjunction with a healthy and well-rounded diet. Supplements such as BCAAs or protein shakes could give you that extra boost.
2. Endomorph Body Type
Typical Characteristics:
Stocky build
Wider body
Stores fuel (both muscle and fat) in the lower half of their bodies
Has more muscle as well but usually, this comes with more fat
Has the best strength advantage out of the three different body types but may find it difficult to stay lean
Slow metabolism
To help shock the body into losing fat, it is best for endomorphs to up their intense aerobic exercise by focusing on interval training such as HIIT (high-intensity interval training) over LISS (low-intensity steady state cardio).
They should train their overall body to see results and not just focus on one area.
To further enhance their metabolism, endomorphs should include both hypertrophy (muscle building – heavy weight, fewer reps) with conditioning. This way, your metabolism will be fired up, even hours after your training is done.
Endomorphs do need to have a stricter eating plan than the others. Unlike ectomorphs, those with the endomorph body type should eat fewer carbs and increase their higher protein intake. They should avoid simple carbs like white bread and eat more complex ones.
Stress levels can cause endomorphs to keep fat around their midsection. To help with this, you should avoid overtraining so that your body can properly recover. Also, get your beauty sleep.
Mesomorph Body Type
Typical Characteristics:
Middle of the body types
Can be lean and muscular simultaneously
Natural athletics build with well-defined muscles
In between ectomorph and endomorph is the mesomorph body type. Mesomorphs find it easier to build muscle and lose fat than the ectomorphs and endomorphs respectively.
This is why the mesomorph body type means that you do not have to go insanely heavy on the weights to get results. You can lift moderately and still progress.
However, it is also best to include some aerobic exercise as well, because while they can lose fat easier than mesomorphs, it doesn’t mean that they are completely immune. Aerobic exercise with help get your heart rate up and your blood pumping.
If you have a mesomorph body type, your eating plan should include equal amounts of protein and fat, with a moderate amount of carbs making up the rest. Like I mentioned with the ectomorph and endomorph body type, you should still focus on complex carbs to help give your body energy and keep full in a sustainable and healthy way.