Biology, asked by savleen3006, 1 year ago

Difference between anthoceros sp and phaeoceros sp


Answered by hardikrakholiya21


Anthoceros , Folioceros, Phaeoceros, Notothylas and Sphaeorosporoceros. A. Habit photo of Folioceros fuciformis . The slightly strap-shaped gametophyte contains several sporophytes (S) sheathed by fleshy involucres (I). Photo by Z. Li, China. B. LM of transverse section of fresh material of thallus of Anthoceros sp. Schizogenous cavities (Sc) fill the thallus which also contains two cyanobacterial colonies (Cy) and a sporophyte (S). The sporophyte is dissected transversely at its base where it parallels the long axis of the thallus. Bar: 200 l m. Vidal-Russell & Amico, s.n. , Peru. C. TEM of a chloroplast of A. angustus from the thallus epidermis. The modified pyrenoid ( ‘‘ pyrenoid-like area ’’ ) is dissected by thylakoids, contains abundant lipid droplets and is less dense than other taxa. Starch grains (St). Bar: 1 l m. Yochinaga cultures, Japan. D. Mature spores (Sp) of Sphaerosporoceros adscendens and short ovoidal pseudoelaters (Ps). Bar: 20 l m. Nelson 10200 , South Carolina, U.S.A. E. Habit of Phaeoceros sp. from Queensland, Australia. Cargill DCC 836 . F. LM of a transverse section of a nearly mature sporophyte of Notothylas breutelii (Gottsche) Gottsche with two or three layers of assimilative tissue (Al), a 10-celled columella (C) and a network of pseudoelaters (Ps) among the two layers of tetrads (T). Bar: 50 l m . Krayeski s.n. , Louisiana, U.S.A. G. TEM of a chloroplast of Phaeoceros sp. from the internal assimilative layer of the sporophyte showing a dense pyrenoid (Py) with lens-shaped subunits that are delimited by thylakoids. Bar: 1 l m. Cargill DCC 27 , Queensland, Australia. H. Proximal face of two spores of Phaeoceros laevis with an evenly papillate surface, a conspicuous trilete ridge (Tr) and a prominent cingulum (Ci). Pseudoelaters (Ps). Bar: 10 l m. Schiffner 1082 , Germany.

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