Biology, asked by sruti7, 1 year ago

difference between antibodies and antitoxins
pls explain it in 3 different of each


Answered by Anonymous
Hi Friend

Major differences between antibody and antitoxin are


----It is produced by T lymphocytes

-----It is used by body to fight agianst any foreign infectious agentsm


----- These are the artificial chemicals given from outside the body to treat the toxicants in body.

----- These are made from the animals(commonly) prepared inside the body.

#Hope it helps

sruti7: thanx 4 ur help
Anonymous: welcome dear
prachi184: welcm
Anonymous: message me if u need help in bio
sruti7: okkkk
Answered by prachi184
1) antibodies are the blood serum protein produced in response to the injected antigens
whereas, antitoxins is da chemical substance produced inside da body in response to da entry of foreign substance
2) some antibodies are present in the blood of some people frm da very birth
whereas , antitoxins develops in the process of life
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