difference between assembly language and first generation language
Machine language is a language that has a binary form. It can be directly executed by a computer. While an assembly language is a low-level programming language that requires software
Assembly language falls between a high-level programming language and Machine language. it has syntaxes similar to English, but more difficult than high-level programming languages. To program in assembly language, one should have understood at hardware level like computer architecture, registers, etc. This kind of programming is mostly seen in the embedded systems.
Machine language is a language that has a binary form. It can be directly executed by a computer. While an assembly language is a low-level programming language that requires software
Assembly language falls between a high-level programming language and Machine language. it has syntaxes similar to English, but more difficult than high-level programming languages. To program in assembly language, one should have understood at hardware level like computer architecture, registers, etc. This kind of programming is mostly seen in the embedded systems.