Biology, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Difference between biotic and abiotic


Answered by TweetySweetie



Abiotic: It refers to the non-living components of an ecosystem, e.g. air, soil, water, sunlight.

Biotic: It refers to living components of an ecosystem, e.g. plants, animals, birds, and other organisms.

Abiotic: Abiotic components do not depend on the biotic components for their survival.

Biotic: Biotic components depend on Abiotic components for their survival.

Abiotic: Unable to adapt to changes in the environment

Biotic: They are able to adapt to changes in the environment.

Abiotic: Categorized into three basic categories: climatic, edaphic and social.

Abiotic: factors affect the individual of a species, community, population, and biosphere.

Biotic: factors affect the individuals of a species, population, community, biosphere, and the biome.

Abiotic: resources include water, land, oil, coal etc.

Biotic: resources include birds, animals, forests, and marine resources like fish


Answered by aryan200712
Biotic taken from the word bio means living eg plants and animals
Abiotic taken from the word abio means non living eg wood metal
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