Psychology, asked by tmuz3630, 1 year ago

Difference between child psychology educational psychology and developmental psychology


Answered by anuritha
The Child Psychology says about or is about the childs'problem like teenage problems, family issues, hitting other child etc....

Educational psychology deals about student counselling especially in the field of studies and marks. These people work on to the students difficulties and make them to overcome it. It Also includes career guidance.

Development psychology deals about developing interpersonal skill
And personality of a person. These have no age limit and they help to improve the personal skills in a person by series of counselling and certain tips

anuritha: Please mark it as brainiest answer
Answered by kritika39
Child psychology :- To study of the mental states and processes of child...
Educational psychology :- Developing effective educational techniques and dealing with psychological problems in school..
Developmental psychology :- changes in human behaviour from early life to death...
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