difference Between citizen and alien
Citizen is one who is a permanent resident of a state, owes allegiance to the state, and enjoys certain civil and political rights. The main points of difference between a citizen and alien are:
(a) A citizen is a permanent resident of a state, while an alien is a temporary resident, who comes for a specific duration of time as a tourist or on diplomatic assignment.
(b) Citizens enjoy political rights and participate in the functioning of government, i.e., exercise their right to vote, right to contest elections and right to hold public office. Aliens do not possess such rights in the state where they reside temporarily. They however enjoy certain civil rights, i.e., the rights to life, personal property and religion.
18. Citizenship is the legal bond between the citizen and the state. It is a two way relationship between them. On one hand, the state maintains certain rights and privileges for the individuals, i.e., the citizens. On the other hand, the citizen owes allegiance to the state and performs a number of duties.
Natural citizenship is determined by two principles (a) by blood or descent (b) by the place of birth. Natural citizenship is automatically gained by birth while naturalized citizenship is acquired after fulfilling certain conditions laid down by the country. Rules of acquiring citizenship vary from country to country.
Citizen is a permanent resident of the state and enjoys all the civil and political rights. A citizen is a permanent resident of a state while the alien is not. The aliens spend a specific duration of time either as a tourist or as a diplomatic assignment. Citizens participate in the functioning of government and enjoy political rights. Citizenship is like a legal bond between the state and citizens.
Citizenship can be decided by blood or decent and by the place of birth. A person becomes natural citizen with birth while a person can become naturalised citizen after fulfilling the various conditions decided by the country.citizen after fulfilling the various conditions decided by the country.