Difference between compiler and interpreter with a difference column with atleast six points???
compiler translate in one go while an interpreter translate line by line
compiler translate into machine code while interpreter translate into source language
a compiled language s more harder to debug while debugging is easier in interpreter
execution time is less in compiler than a interpreter
Memory requirement is more in compiler while interpreter require less memory
example of compiler - C,C++ and example of interpreter - BASIC , Visual Basic
It takes an entire program at a time.
It takes a single line of code or instruction at a time.
It generates intermediate object code. It does not produce any intermediate object code.
The compilation is done before execution. Compilation and execution take place simultaneously.
Comparatively faster Slower
Memory requirement is more due to the creation of object code. It requires less memory as it does not create intermediate object code.
Display all errors after compilation, all at the same time. Displays error of each line one by one.
Error detection Difficult Easier comparatively
Pertaining Programming languages
C, C++, C#, Scala, typescript uses compiler. PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby uses an interpreter.