Geography, asked by tittala275, 10 months ago

Difference between confined and unconfined aquifer


Answered by amit989


First of all you should know about confined..i.e.accumulation of water beneath the Earth surface and this water is covered with different layer of rock shelter on the basis of is devided into 2 part such as confined and unconfined..

Unconfined aquifer's water can be seen in the stream and can be easily used but confined aquifer's water is deep and can't available easily it is used by using electric motor pump etc. And natural Wells..



Answered by jimine

A confined aquifer forms when water collects, by pressure or gravity,between two layers of impermeable rock. Fissures in solid rock also allow water to pool. Unconfined aquifersform at a quicker rate compared toconfined aquifers. ... By contrast,confined aquifers are fed by underground tributaries

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