Difference between cryptanalatic and non cryptanalytic attack
That's a matter of terminology, but generally crypt analysis and brute force attack are mutually exclusive. Crypt analysis means attacking a cryptographic system by looking for something clever that the designers of the system didn't think of, for example finding a mathematical relation that makes some computation faster. A brute force attack is one that doesn't use any intelligence and enumerates all possibilities; cryptography is always vulnerable to brute force attacks, but if properly designed it makes them practically impossible by arranging for the probability of success to be utterly negligible.
That's a matter of terminology, but generally cryptanalysis and brute force attack are mutually exclusive. Cryptanalysis means attacking a cryptographic system by looking for something clever that the designers of the system didn't think of, for example finding a mathematical relation that makes some computation fasters. A brute force attack is one that doesn't use any intelligence and enumerates all possibilities; cryptography is always vulnerable to brute force attacks, but if properly designed it makes them practically impossible by arranging for the probability of success to be utterly negligible.