Difference between diet of healthy person and diet of sick person
Our medical systems do not study health and hardly study illness, preferring the concept of ‘disease’, which is controlled by the medical profession. As a result, there are no useful definitions of health or illness to be found in medical reference texts. There is also no simple definition of disease. We can only say that “a disease is what a doctor diagnoses”. It is sometimes said that “A patient visits a doctor with an illness, and goes home with a disease.”
Healthicine, the arts and sciences of health and healthiness, provides clear useful definitions for health and healthiness:
Health is a general term covering all aspects of healthiness.
Ill is a general term covering all aspects of illness. An illness is a specific instance of ill. An illness consists of a cause (the drop in healthiness or increase in unhealthiness) and the negative consequences of that cause.
A healthiness is a specific instance of health. We can compare healthiness, not health, to illness.
This diagram illustrates the difference between healthiness and illness.
Health is whole. An illness is a hole in health. A healthiness is a specific instance of health, a whole, consisting of healthinesses and unhealthinesses. Illness appears when healthiness drops to the illness threshold. It is cured when healthiness rises again, above the illness threshold. However, when unhealthiness breaks through the illness threshold, it might fall much farther due to other consequences of the illness, as shown above.
To clearly understand these basic concepts of health and illness, we need first to clarify what we mean by ‘health’ in the study of healthicine. In English we often use the word ‘health’ to refer to illness, or medical care. Health Care is actually care for those who are ill, and would more accurately be called ‘Illness Care’. Health Insurance insures against high cost of medical illness. It pays for medical expenses in case of illness.Health insurance is actually ‘medical insurance’ or ‘illness insurance’. We also need to recognize that health is a general concept, while an illness is a specific case in a specific patient. Health, or healthy, is the opposite of ill, or sickly, general statements, not specific cases.
Healthy people have very balanced diet. They avoid eating junk food. They are very punctual. They take extra care of them . They do daily exercise.
Sick people do not take care of themselves. They are not very punctual of their any work. They are very lazy. They never do exercise. They are fond of eating junk food.