difference between dimension and plane?explain
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If you’re talking about this in the philosophical sense (i.e. a ‘higher plane of existence’) then I would say plane just means world.
If you mean this in the mathematical sense then a plane is a flat, two-dimensional object. As in planes of grass (big flat fields of grass). You might find ‘plane’ to mean another world or dimension in some books.
Dimension means property. I’m a bad person to ask about this because my entire thesis was based on redefining ‘dimensions’ to work mathematically and so that they could all be categorised. In terms of literature, a dimension is another world that usually has slightly different rules or properties to ours.
A realm is another word for area. It basically means kingdom. More recently it has also been used to mean another universe, or another world (such as the ‘realm of the dead’). I have never heard of realm being used in a mathematical sense.
Because of the chosen words I’m assuming you’re talking about these in a literary/philosophical sense. If so, I would advise you use:
Plane when talking about another level of existence with completely different rules, such as the ‘astral’ plane.
Dimension when talking about another world/universe that follows the same rules as ours, but has minor property differences. For example, a second Earth where people are slightly ahead of us.
Realm when talking about a mixture of the two, that has a purpose. This could include something like Heaven or the Realm of the Dead. It is some sort of kingdom or land with purpose, but is too different to our reality to be called a dimension and usually follows completely different rules.
plane =to entire world is a different dimension extra dimension square =small or confident area in a different dimension.
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