difference between direct and indirect method of population management
Measures of population management are birth spacing, marriage at proper age, condition of women and education, female status upgrading and measures of contraception. Pills, form tablets, vaginal cream, and femindom are temporary family planning methods. Vasectomy, minilap and laparoscopy are permanent family planning.
but the only ethical question or method is obviously indirect meaning working people to change their behavior. As everything these days involves some type of’cultural appropriation’ claims, I wont take the plunge to deeply at this point.
Suffice it to say it would require all parties to come together to create positive living environments for families including boys and girls which were nurturing and will keep them in touch with their values and close to the land.
There are many discussing this these days whereby policy can be created learning from indigenous people and their land management practices for instance.
So it goes both ways, but however it goes it cannot be any type of direct program no matter how well meaning. That said, there is a lot of leeway if people are willing to work together ranging from family planning to small scale development to simple water and health systems as well as local job creation programs and education.