difference between Distributive pronoun and distributive adjective
A distributive pronouns refer to persons or things taken one at a time. Hence they are always singular and take singular verbs.
Each of ( Preposition )us will get a certificate.
Either of ( Preposition )these two pens will do.
Neither of ( preposition ) them will pass this time.
Guiding point : 01. There is never a noun after the Distributive Pronoun. It means there may be any other word other than a noun.)
2. Distributive Pronouns may be used as Distributive Adjectives also.
Most confusing point . How to identify whether it is a distributive pronoun or a distributive adjective ?
Hint: There is always a noun next to the distributive Adjective.
Each ( Adjective ) man (Noun ) was given a chocolate.
Every (Adjective ) boy ( Noun ) was serious in performing the test.
Neither ( Adjective ) charge ( Noun ) has been proved.