difference between electric resistance and resistivity of conductordifference between electric resistance and resistivity of conductor
Resistivity is the property of the conductor due to which it offers resistance to the flow of current through it . It is measured by the resistance offered by 1m length of wire of that material of area of cross section 1 m2. Resistnivity of the material depends only on its material and temperature.
The (electrical) resistance[R] of a conductor is defined as the obstruction offered by it to the flow of electric current through it. It is numerically obtained as the ratio of the potential difference applied across its ends to the current flowing through it...
- Given by: R = dV/dI
1 ohm is defined as the electrical resistance between two points in a conductor of electricity, when one volt of potential difference applied between these two points produces in the conductor a constant direct current of 1 ampere. It is the SI unit of electrical resistance. It has been named in the honour of George Simon Ohm...
The (electrical) resistivity or the specific (electrical) resistance of a substance is defined as the electrical resistance between the opposite faces of unit volume of the substance...
1 ohm-metre of electrical resistivity of a substance means that the resistance between the opposite faces of one cubic metre of the substance is 1 ohm. It is the SI unit of electrical resistivity...
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