difference between embryo, zygote and foetus
The zygote is the initial stage in baby development. Foetus refers to the final stage in baby development. An embryo is termed as the foetus at the beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy.
Answer: Embryo Zygote Foetus
1. Embryo is diploid and 1.Zygote is haploid and 1. it is Diploid and
unicellular. unicellular. Multicellular.
2. it is the secondary state 2. it is the primary state 2.it is the
after fertilizations. after fertilizations. tertiary and
last stage of
3. embryonic period is from 3. formed just after 3. foetus period is
2 week-8 week after fusion of 2 gametes. from 9 week-
fertilizations. until birth.
4. embryo is formed from 4. formed from fusion 4. formed when
zygote male and female embryo develops.
5. Gastrulation occur 5. formation of blastula 5. development
occur. of organs
6. present in uterus 6. present in fallopian 6. found in
lining. tube. uterus.