Difference between endocrine glands and exocrine glands
Exocrine Glands:
- A gland which secretes its secretion through ducts is called exocrine glands.
- Its secretions include juices containing enzymes and metabolites.
- The amount of secretions does not cause any problem or disorder.
- Salivary gland is an example of exocrine glands.
Endocrine Glands:
- A gland which secretes its secretion directly without any ducts are called endocrine glands.
- Its secretions are called as hormones.
- The change in amount of secretion causes disorders.
- Hypothalamus is an example of endocrine glands.

AnswersBiologyA LevelArticle
What is the difference between an endocrine and exocrine gland?
An endocrine gland secretes its products, for example hormones, directly into the blood. An example of an endocrine gland is the adrenal gland which secretes adenaline made in the adrenal medulla directly into the blood.
An exocrine gland secretes its products for example enzymes, into ducts that lead to the target tissue. For example the salivary gland secretes saliva into the collecting duct which leads to the mouth.
It's important to note that the pancreas performs both endocrine and exocrine functions. It releases insulin and glucagon directly into the blood (endocrine) and also secretes pancreatic fluid into the pacreatic duct which leads to the duodenum (exocrine).