Biology, asked by yraj6924, 1 year ago

difference between endosperm and cotyledons​


Answered by Anonymous

The difference between endosperm and cotyledons are as follows :-


1. These are the tissues that surrounded and nourishes the EMBROYO in the seed of the ANGIOSPERMS

2. Its provides nutritionin the from of starch though it can also contain oils and proteins

3. These serve as food stroage tissue

4. In dicots endosperms are absent

Example - wheat endosperm is the ground flour for bread


1. These are the significant part of the embryo within the seed of plant

2. Cotyledon are important in food absorption

3. In dicots cotyledon are present.

4. These are the seed leaf found in embroyos of flowering plants

Example - Thick and fleshy cotyledon may serve as a nutrient sources

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