Difference between equivalent resistance and total resistance
Hlo buddy :-
●⇨Equivalent resistance and total resistance ⇩
This all are same (equivalent, total and resultant resistance) all means the same thing.
Equivalent, resultant and total resistance if an electric circuit is the sum of all the resistances which are connected in parallel or in series combinations.
So, for calculating equivalent, total or resultant resistance of a circuit of having resiators connected in parallal or series combination we use the two formula ⇩
For finding total resistance of circuit in which all the resistors are connected in series we use the formula :
R = R¹ + R²......Rn(n times)
Here R is te total resistance and R¹ and R² is the resistances of single resistors .
And for calculating total resistance of all the resiators which are connected in parallal combinations in an electric circuit we use the formula:-
1/R = 1/R¹ + 1/R².....1/Rn(n times)