difference between fixed dome and floating drum biogas plant
As we are becoming more modern and industrial day by day, the amount of the energy consumption is also increasing accordingly.
That's why the need of renewable energy sources are also increasing.
Biogas is on of the best sources of the renewable energy.
Fixed Dome Biogas Plant:
In this type of biogas plant, underground digester tank is used to produce biogas. The digestive tank is made by bricks and the roof of the tank is dome in shape,this dome is also made by bricks.
Floating drum biogas plant:
In this type of biogas plant in moving as old as the digestive tag this gas old is usually floats on the fermentation slurry.
Difference between fixed dome and floating drum biogas plant
Fixed Dome Biogas Plant:
- This biogas plant is made up of concrete material in which digester and gas holder is present.
- To construct this biogas plant, skill is necessary.
- If construction is not proper, then it is less reliable.
- Gas pressure is found variable in this biogas plant.
Floating Drum Biogas Plant:
- Floating drum biogas plant is made up of fiber-glass or mild steel in which masonry is most important.
- There is no such requirement of high skill in masonry.
- This biogas is highly reliable as a gas holder is pre-fabricated.
- Gas pressure in this plant is constant.
To Know More:
Compare the relative performances of a floating drum and fixed dome type biogas plants
Difference between forced dome and floating drum biogas plant