Difference between forward reasoning and backward reasoning
The forward reasoning is data-driven approach while backward reasoning is a goal driven. The process starts with new data and facts in the forward reasoning. Conversely, backward reasoning begins with the results. ... On the other hand, backward reasoning emphasis on the acts that support the conclusion.
Forward Reasoning:
1:It is data driven task.
2:It begins with new data.
3:Uses an Opportunistic type of approach.
4:It follows from incipient to the consequence.
5:First step is that the system is given one or more constraints.
6:The rule that fulfills the condition is selected.
7:It follows Top down Reasoning.
Backward Reasoning:
1:It Is goal driven task.
2:It begin with conclusion.
3:Uses a conservative type of approach.
4:It follows consequence to the incipient.
5:First step is that the goal state and rules are selected.
6:If the condition is fulfilled , the goal is the solution.
7:It follows bottom up Reasoning.