Difference between gingelly and sesame oil
Gingelly oil vs. Sesame oil
Gingelly oil and sesame oil are both extracted from sesame seeds. The difference between them is in the process of extraction which gives them a distinct colour.
Sesame oil is extracted directly from raw sesame seeds in a cold extraction process. This oil is pale yellowish in colour. This oil is suitable for deep frying as it has a high smoking point.
Gingelly oil is also from raw sesame seeds, but the extraction process involves a slightly higher temperature. This oil is amber in colour. It is suitable for shallow frying and stir frying as it has a comparatively lower smoking point.
Dark Sesame oil is extracted from roasted sesame seeds. It is dark brown in colour. It has a very low smoking point and hence suitable to use as flavor enhancement in final stages of cooking or in salads.