Difference between government of magadh and vajji
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Magadha formed one of the sixteen Mahajanapadas (Sanskrit: "Great Countries") of ancient India. The core of the kingdom was the area of Bihar south of the Ganges; its first capital was Rajagriha (modern Rajgir), then Pataliputra (modern Patna). Rajagriha was initially known as 'Girivrijja' and later came to be known as so during the reign of Ajatashatru. Magadha expanded to include most of Bihar and Bengal with the conquest of Licchavi and Anga, respectively, followed by much of eastern Uttar Pradesh and Odisha. Vrijji was a Confederacy and one of the principal mahājanapadas of Ancient India. The name of this mahājanapada was derived from one of its ruling clans, the Vṛjis. The Vajji state is indicated to have been a republic. This clan is mentioned by Pāṇini, Chanakya and Xuanzang.
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Out of the 16 'Mahajanapadas', it was Magadha (South Bihar) which emerged as the strongest kingdom. As it was a monarchy, the decision made by the king was final.The people could not do anything against the king's will.
The first important ruler of Magadha was Bimbisara, who ruled in the second half of the sixteenth century BC. He made Magadha a paramount power. The other rulers of Magadha were Ajatshatru, Mahapadma Nanda. Under the Mauryan rulers, Magadhan empire reached the apex of glory. The important Mauryan rulers were Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka.
The Magadha rulers had large standing army.
Unlike Magadha, which was a powerful monarchy, Vajji was the seat of a united republic, known as the 'Gana' or 'sangha'. A 'Gana' or 'Sangha was a state ruled by the heads of the families belonging to a clan or by the chief of several clans. It is believed that Vajji was ruled by an assembly of more than 7000 clan representatives and elders. each representative was called as 'Raja' (Ruler). The members of the assembly used to take decisions together on all major issues. each of these rulers represented their own group of people and met together in the assemblies to reach to a common decision through debates and discussions on any issue.
Out of the 16 'Mahajanapadas', it was Magadha (South Bihar) which emerged as the strongest kingdom. As it was a monarchy, the decision made by the king was final.The people could not do anything against the king's will.
The first important ruler of Magadha was Bimbisara, who ruled in the second half of the sixteenth century BC. He made Magadha a paramount power. The other rulers of Magadha were Ajatshatru, Mahapadma Nanda. Under the Mauryan rulers, Magadhan empire reached the apex of glory. The important Mauryan rulers were Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka.
The Magadha rulers had large standing army.
Unlike Magadha, which was a powerful monarchy, Vajji was the seat of a united republic, known as the 'Gana' or 'sangha'. A 'Gana' or 'Sangha was a state ruled by the heads of the families belonging to a clan or by the chief of several clans. It is believed that Vajji was ruled by an assembly of more than 7000 clan representatives and elders. each representative was called as 'Raja' (Ruler). The members of the assembly used to take decisions together on all major issues. each of these rulers represented their own group of people and met together in the assemblies to reach to a common decision through debates and discussions on any issue.
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